A Computer virus is a small software program that spreads from one host computer to another computer that interferes with host computer networks. If your computer is acting strange, then it can be a sign that a virus affects it. In this article, I will teach you everything that you need to know about how computer viruses work and also computer virus removal tips. Also, you will get to know how to get rid of a computer virus.
How to recognize whether your PC is actually affected by a virus?
Lost access to system settings and admin privileges
Some viruses attack by restricting users’ access to administrative tools or restricting access to things like System Settings, Task Manager. By doing this, the virus roams freely, causing more damage to your computer every minute.
The computer freezes and software crashes unexpectedly
This one is difficult to detect, as this can be caused by other software or hardware issues. Still, if this symptom appears out of the blue, and you haven’t installed new software or hardware recently, it’s likely the doing of a virus.
Your system uses a lot of resources when it shouldn’t
Many viruses run in the background. If you notice unusually high memory, CPU, or disk usage when it should run idle — that’s a red flag. Higher speeds fans whirring can be one clue to look for.
Multiple windows start popping up
If your computer shows new windows or weird-looking pop-ups uncontrollably (especially with offers of freebies and prizes), it shows a virus.
You notice unknown software that you did not download or install
This one’s a classic MO of hackers to implant legitimate installation packages with malicious code and distribute them through free software websites. Downloading from untrusted websites can bring viruses to your pc.
How to get remove virus from your system
1. Download and install an antivirus software
Microsoft Security Essentials or Windows Defender or are pre-installed on modern Windows systems, but you might want to find a different solution. Choose a reputable source, download and install the package.
2. Disconnect from the internet
Once you identify your computer infected by a virus, it’s time to disable the internet connection, so the virus can’t use it to share your data or send itself to all of your contacts. Unplug the internet cable, Switch off Wi-Fi connectivity, Turn on Airplane Mode, and you’re done. If you cannot access those settings, and your connection is wireless, turn off your cable modem or router.
3. Reboot into safe mode
In Safe Mode, a computer runs with the bare minimum of services needed for operation. This prevents most viruses from starting up at all or seriously limits the damage it can inflict.
4. Run a full system scan, delete the virus or put it in quarantine
Now, it’s time to run antivirus. Choose the most complete scan option available and scan all of your hard drive. If you suspect the virus could have come from a pen drive, an external disk keeps them connected too.
After it’s done scanning the full system, if it detects the threat, select the appropriate action: to delete or quarantine it.
5. Delete temporary files and clear browser cache
There’s a chance the virus hides in the Windows temporary folders or the cache of the web browser. I advise you to delete all cache files.
clear temporary files for your version of the Windows OS by apply following steps
In Windows 10:
type disk cleanup In the search box on the taskbar then Select the drive you want to clean up, and then hit OK.
Select the file types you want to get rid of, under files to delete. Select it, to get a description of the file type.
Select OK to apply changes.
In Windows 8.1:
Start > Control Panel > Internet Options.
Select the General tab then select Delete under Browsing history.
Select Delete all > Yes > OK.
In Windows 7 and Windows Vista:
Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Internet Options.
Select the General tab then select Delete under Browsing history.
Select Delete all > Yes > OK.
6. Update your OS and browser
To wrap up this computer virus removal, I highly recommend updating your windows operating system and browser to their latest versions. Windows updates often contain fixes for spyware, malware and so do the newest versions of browsers.
If you don’t get any relief from the above steps, then your last option is to contact a professional. Positive Technology in Houston is ready to help. With same-day and on-site Virus removal options, look no further. We have helped hundreds of clients with our virus removal services.